Club Sponsors – Movement In Motion

About Us

We are a pain management clinic based in Apsley, Hemel Hempstead. With over 10 years of experience in helping people recover from injury, we help relieve stress from within the muscle and re-energise the body. As a leading performer within the Injury Rehabilitation industry, we pride ourselves on our high standards of clinical practice, expertise, and aftercare.

Why choose Movement In Motion?

Our AWARD-WINNING clinicians treat a range of sporting injuries, advise on injury prevention, and support rehabilitation through strength and exercise conditioning. We do this by using a range of physical techniques and therapies to diagnose and treat the root course of your pain. In collaboration with your clinician, this whole view approach allows you to make informed decisions about your training and puts you in control of your rehabilitation.
As specialists in pain management, our expert clinicians will assess your injury or site of pain, analyse findings, tailor a course of treatment to suit your lifestyle and ability, and reassess as you continue your journey to living pain-free.
